We are one of the largest e-commerce companies in the Czech Republic and we are expanding internationally. We are most proud of offering our customers one of the highest-quality services in the European market. At Košík, we are fundamentally transforming a traditional industry and rewriting the future of grocery shopping.
One of the reasons for our success is the great work of our colleagues at the Call Center in Liberec, who take excellent care of our customers and help us create the best possible shopping experience. We are currently looking for a new team member for the position of Head of Call Center to help us further develop our call center in Liberec.
Odměna za věrnost
tě nemine.
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na každý nákup.
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Tak to budeš rád za
Naučíme tě cizím jazykům.
U nás zaparkuješ s čímkoli.
Dostaneš od nás notebook.
Pestré občerstvení přímo v kanclu.
Líbí se ti tato pracovní pozice a cítíš, že by to mohlo klapat?
Odpověz na inzerát, pošli životopis a připiš i něco navíc, budeme moc rádi.